School Anxiety

School anxiety is common and affects many children and teenagers. It is characterised by feelings…

A phobia is an irrational fear of something that may not actually pose a threat.…
Behavioural Problems

Is your child having behavioural problems? At The Birches Therapy we provide tailored actions plans…

It is perfectly normal for children and young people to find it difficult to manage…
Low Mood

Are you experiencing low mood Do you experience any of the following: Someone experiencing depression…
Generalised Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are two common and often interrelated experiences that many individuals face in…
Social Anxiety

Anxiety and stress are two common and often interrelated experiences that many individuals face in…
Sleep Problems

Sleep is vital for our mental health. Without enough sleep it can detrimentally impact your…

What is Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) It is completely natural for children to be oppositional,…

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears which leads you…
Exam Stress

Exam stress is very common and happens to most young people. Stress can be positive…
Lack Of Confidence

Struggling with confidence? Why not book to have 5 sessions at the Birches Therapy to…
Anxiety & Stress

Anxiety and stress are two common and often interrelated experiences that many individuals face in…
Loss Of Motivation

Are you lacking motivation? Loss of motivation can be caused by numerous factors such as:…
Low Self Esteem

Self-esteem is the way we value and perceive ourselves and is based on our beliefs…